I have a strong opinion about how we share what’s really most important to us.

We know what we write, say, post, or record should arouse a strong reaction in others. We want them to read further, listen more intently, stay until the end.

We want a place in people’s minds and, yes, in their hearts.

Why? Because to help one another, we must trust one another.

But, too often,
this doesn’t happen.

For many of us, what we share doesn’t
cause others to react or reflect –
let alone act.

We may have a great message. So why doesn’t it reach far or touch deeply enough the people with whom we most want to connect?

Our emails aren’t opened,

our videos and posts receive only a handful of likes,

and our offers don’t result in the clients we want to work with.

I know what it means to get just a smidgen of attention or a smattering of response. It’s bewildering and sometimes dispiriting.

At one point, it meant the difference between making a go of my business or letting go my business.

So I tackled my frustrations head on.

For the past two years, I reached deep within myself and coaxed out the language – the words and images – that define me, what I do and how I want to help others.

I spent hours putting my thoughts together using that language to create my voice, my message.

But then what?
How did I ‘fix’  my messaging conundrum once I found my voice?
Well, I turned to stories,

my stories.

Sharing my personal narrative and stories allowed me to forge closer business connections and develop longer-term, deeper relationships with clients I love working with. As a result, I’ve seen a massive shift in the quality and pleasure of my business interactions.

Today, I know what I want to say and how. I’m confident. I know the clients who call me are those who most want what I have to give. And they, in turn,fulfill me in ways that define my business success.

This is why I have a strong opinion about how crucial it is for you to share, with ease and wonder, what’s most important to you.

This is why I’ve set out to help you, here in Story Shares Studio.

About the Logo

The dandelion is a weed. A common weed. But though common, it’s strong and can grow just about anywhere. And when the dandelion matures, it is first strong and brilliant, and then takes on a delicate form that takes flight.

This is exactly what we in the Story Shares Studio community do each time we have an idea. We let it live for a while and be seen in all its colors but, then, we allow it to transform and take flight with invigorated language, powerful imagery, a strong message.

When I was searching for a logo, I looked up so many different types of images. And then I came upon the dandelion. My initial thought was to my childhood when our ‘weeded’ lawn was rampant with dandelions. Ah, but they were not second-class citizens of the ‘green.’ No, not those dandelions! You see, my Italian father loved dandelion salad. When in bloom, those wonderful weeds appeared upon our dinner table as part of our meals, our sustanence.

The dandelion name translates to “the lion’s tooth’ in French and is associated with pride, courage, and family. Folk beliefs say that when one blows on the dandelion puffball, the seeds carry a wish to “all corners of creation.” Further ideas or meanings associated with it are joy and happiness, fighting through challenges, dreams desired, etc.

For me the dandelion means persistence; the dandelion actually flowers longer than any other plant in its environment and it’s seeds can travel as far as 5 miles.

Family, dreams, challenges met, tenacity, transformation, flight. These are some of the main reasons I wanted to create the Story Shares Studio.

The dandelion. Perhaps common but, oh, so spectacular in how available it is to so many, and for so long!

And that is exactly what our stories and messages – this community – are meant to and will be!


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